Take the Worry out of Car Paperwork Processing

Cars are one of the most common modes of transportation. Whether the car is personally owned, rented or leased from fleet owners, or is a cab or ride share used for trips of any length, it is a must. And two things that are necessary and so very important when a car is first purchased are the title and the registration. It doesn’t matter if you are a fleet owner or an individual owner, having the title and valid registration for the car shows proof of ownership and is a requirement for operation, respectively. When you purchase a new or used vehicle from a dealership, who is supposed to register it? The popular opinion says that it’s the dealer’s responsibility to handle the paperwork. In almost all cases, that’s how the process goes. So, submitting the application for a Texas car title registration is a routine but at times challenging service that you the dealer should be providing your customers. Unfortunately,though, it’s not everyone’s cup of tea.


When you go to the department of motor vehicles (DMV) to register a vehicle in person or mail in the application, more often than not, you will either have insufficient documentation or have made some sort of mistake with the application that leads to a registration delay or rejection. As a dealer, your primary focus should be on selling cars and not registering them. This mundane yet critical legal task should be left to the experts. If you frequently submit applications or go to the DMV yourself to register cars for the first time or to take care of a Texas car registration renewal, it’s time to outsource this function and get back to the business of selling cars.

You should hire a company like The Title Girl to take care of all your vehicle ownership paperwork and related administrative requirements so that you can focus on what is really important, and that is sales. You will realize increased profit when you concentrate on your profession and leave the administrative duties to those who know it inside and out. If this sounds appealing to you and you are interested in working with people that are reliable and trustworthy who are at the top of their game when it comes to registering and titling vehicles, then look no further than The Title Girl. As the name suggests, they are experts when it comes to titling cars and other vehicles as well as performing initial, renewal and duplicate registration functions on your behalf.

As a dealer, you need to be able to effectively and efficiently meet the titling and registration needs of your clients, regardless of the situation. Take the worry out of this process and let The Title Girl, established by Chelsea Cunningham, act as your personal assistant in this matter. If you are an individual owner or a dealer from outside the state of Texas, that isn’t a problem; The Title Girl will take care of you.

About The Title Girl:

The Title Girl is the one-stop solution for all ownership paperwork related to cars and other vehicles. From title registration to duplicate car title Texas, they will meet your needs.

To learn more about their services, visit Thetitlegirl.com


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